【同义词辨析】 2018-02-24 傲慢proud-disdainful
proud: may suggest a feeling or attitude of pleased satisfaction in oneself or one's accomplishments that may or may not be justified and may or may not be demonstrated offensively: a ~ man, unwilling to admit failure.
arrogant: implies a claiming for oneself of more consideration or importance than is warranted and often suggests an aggressive, domineering manner: an ~ business executive used to being kowtowed to. warranted合乎情理的
haughty: suggests a blatantly displayed consciousness of superior birth or position: a ~ manner that barely concealed his scorn.
lordly: implies pomposity or an arrogant display of power: a ~ indiffernece to the consequences of their carelessness. pomposity自负浮夸摆阵仗
insolent: implies insultingly contempuous haughtiness: suffered the stares of ~ waiters.
overbearing: suggests a tyranical manner or an intolerable insolence: wearied by demands from her ~ in-laws.
supercilious: implies a cool, patronizing haughtiness: ~ parvenus with their disdainful sneers. (parvenus新贵、暴发户)
disdainful: suggests a more active and openly scornful superciliousness: ~ of their pathetic attempts.
proud骄傲: 泛指对自己或成就满意,无论是否恰当或冒犯,arrogant骄傲: 要求过度重视常盛气凌人(文中domineering),haughty高傲: 显摆(blatantly喧闹)出身和地位,lordly高傲: 摆阵仗炫耀权利,insolence傲慢: 羞辱般的高傲,overbearing专横: 高傲且蛮横(tyrannical暴君的蛮横剥削的),supercilious高傲: 像施舍恩惠一样高傲冰冷,disdainful轻蔑鄙视: 更强更公开的高傲冰冷(supercilious)
记忆方法: 1) 首字母组合非常好记 PHILDAOS: PHIL词根表示喜欢,DAOS是道的英文,崇尚谦虚<==乐道的人不傲慢 "傲"的意思是"自高自大",也有"蔑视、不屈服"的意思。来自"敖",表示"出游,游戏",从字形上看,"敖"由出和放组成,表示出游游戏舞蹈。后增加走之成为专指出游的"遨"字;而"敖"则因舞蹈游戏出游动作的不羁而多表示"骄傲狂妄"。后加单人成为傲。如傲骨傲慢傲气傲视,如傲然表示"蔑视,不屈服" "骄"从马乔声,本义是"六尺高的马",也指"马拱起背",说文: "马高六尺为骄"。引申出3个意思 1、自高自大,如骄傲骄横骄兵必败戒骄戒躁骄奢淫逸 2、猛烈,如骄阳骄阳灼人 3、受宠爱的,如天之骄子娇惯娇妻娇气
2) 傲慢的意思是表现出优越感和轻蔑mean showing superiority toward others or scorn for inferiors. 首字母组合非常好记 PHILDAOS: PHIL词根表示喜欢,DAOS是道的英文,崇尚谦虚<==乐道的人不傲慢